Fast Break have partnered with The Hobby Australia, Australia’s longest running PSA group submitter, having graded over 100,000 cards since 2017! 

Simple PSA Submission Form

Why Grade?

Card grading is a key element of the modern collecting community and can add significant value to trading cards both in the short term and long term. The  also provide a level of protection to cards that will ensure they remain in their best condition for years to come.

This partnership gives you direct access to THA's grading services via our shopfront.


Grading Fees

Store Handling Fees - $2.00 fee per card paid directly to us at the time of submission.

PSA Grading Fees - All the current PSA Grading Fees can be found on THA’s website here PSA Grading Fees. Fees do change from time to time depending on if PSA offer monthly specials, if the exchange rate drops too low, or if shipping fees increase.


The Process


Step 1 – You Complete Simple PSA Submission Form 

When you are ready to submit cards for PSA grading through Fast Break x The Hobby Australia, you need to complete the online Simple PSA Submission Form

Please ensure that you correctly enter your information as it will be used by THA to contact them directly later in the process.


Step 2 – Fast Break Confirms Total # of Cards, Collects Handling Fee, Labels & Securely Stores Cards

Fast Break will need confirm the total number of cards being submitted and confirm it matches the numbers stated by you on the submission form. All cards need to be in a sleeve and top-loader or card saver. We will not accept cards in one touches, not in sleeves, just in sleeves, or in a top loader or card saver without a sleeve.

You will be required to pay Fast Break the handling fee of $2.00 per card at the time of submission.


Step 3 – The Hobby Australia Collects Cards from Shop
Two or so weeks before the submission due date (due dates are available at THA will pickup all the cards submitted for grading for the upcoming submission.


This is where OUR direct involvement will end - THA will manage the rest of the process


Step 4 – THA Creates and Emails Detailed Submission Form to You

THA will create a Detailed Submission Form for each customer and email it to you for review.


Step 5 – Customer Reviews & Approves Detailed Submission Form
The customer will receive the Detailed Submission Form and review it. If any changes are required, THA will adjust the form and then finalise it ready for the next steps.


Step 6a – Cards Delivered to Card Cleaning Australia (CCA) for Clean/Appraisal
If you have chosen to have your cards cleaned and/or appraised by CCA, THA will deliver them directly to CCA. If not skip to Step 6c. Once CCA has completed their process they will contact you and obtain payment as well as provide you with a condition report if appraisal has been requested. CCA will then return the cards to THA ready to be added to the submission.

Please Note: CCA will not release cards to THA unless you have paid for the cleaning.


Step 6b – THA Updates Detailed Submission Form as Required & Emails Update to You
If you have requested cards be removed from your submission, or categories changed, THA will update the Detailed Submission Form and send you a new final copy.


Step 6c – THA Completes PSA Submission Paperwork & Ships Cards to PSA
THA will then compile and complete the PSA submission paperwork and ship the cards to PSA for grading.


Step 7 – PSA Grading
PSA will grade the cards based on the categories they have been submitted under. If a customer has cards in multiple categories, they will most likely return at different times. You can monitor the status of all active PSA submissions via THA's website at 


Step 8 – THA Invoices the Customer Directly & Customer Pays Invoice
Once the cards have been graded by PSA and returned to THA, THA will send the you an invoice for the grading fees and return postage costs back to you. You can choose between regular and express postage, and insurance up to $5,000 AUD. All packages ship with signature on delivery.

Please Note: Grades are not released until your invoice is paid in full.


Step 9 – THA Ships Cards Back to store and Customer Picks Card Up From Store
Once the invoice is paid THA will drop the cards back to Fast Break during THA's next visit to our store!